First you need to make sure you like our images !
Here are some of our favourites, it will help you check whether or not you like our style !
You are probably wondering what our photos look like, if you’re on this page. You’re absolutely right to want to know this ! You need to like your wedding photographer’s style, it’s one of the most important criteria to guide your choice ! What we do coule be called “creative reportage” But of course we always find some time to do couples pictures. Check the galeries below to see if you like our style both in reportage and couple shots
Our favorite wedding photos
You want to see more wedding pictures ?
Want to see pictures from specific weddings ? We also gathered some of our favorite pictures from specific weddings
And if you enjoy reading, look at our blog posts ! You will recognize some of our couples there I like to post our couple’s favourite pictures.
You want to know more about what we do as wedding videographers ?
Jump from photo to video is easy. After so many couples asked us why we were not doing videos, we tried it. And we absolutely loved it ! So we bought everything we needed and we learned how to film weddings That means we can now offer photography, videos, or even both ! Check out our work as wedding videographers, through these episodes below, couple episodes or wedding episodes (thanks again to the couples and their guests for allowing us to show you this !)
More videos are available on demand, specifically examples for other episodes (wedding episodes, ceremony episodes or guest episodes) but we don’t put them in here to respect the couples and/or the guests featured in them. If you want to see more you’ll have to get in touch directly, and promise you won’t share what we will show you with anyone.
You liked our work and you want us to be with you for your wedding?
You want to know more about how we work and what we can do for you?
You were invited to a wedding we covered and you would like to see the images?